“Iron Workers Having Lunch” or “Lunchtime Atop a Skyscraper”

24" x 36" Copper, Iron and Aluminum

24″ x 36″
Copper, Iron and Aluminum

By either name, it’s an amazing image. An amazing thing these (mostly) men do for a living. Still to this day, they just walk along steel beams hundreds of feet above the City streets. Welding in precarious positions, hoisting tons of steel at every turn. Each guy tougher than the next. And the shirt off their back kinda guys. Ever get to know any Iron Workers? They’re the greatest bunch of guys out there. It’s a fact, not just my opinion. Next time you see a Union Looking guy on the subway, ask him if he’s an Iron Worker. You’ll notice his calm confidence. His poise. Iron Workers are a unique breed. Much like artists in their own right, they work as hard as anyone anywhere. Next to a fireman, if you’re ever in need, find an Iron Worker.

Hope you like my newest in an ongoing series of original painting of the famous photo. This one is 24″ x 36″ in Copper, Aluminum and Iron. I make them as a continuing respect to my Father and all the guys out there on the job who dedicate their lives to build our great country and the world!

For purchase inquiries, contact Michele Trueba, Nashville, TN (click on my Facebook and you will see her right there).

Keep on Building!

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